Practice Chinese with StudyChat

  • ★ Practice listening skills for the Asia traveller
  • ★ Familiarise yourself with common everyday situations, so you’re aware of useful phrases
  • ★ HSK 1 + HSK 2 intermediate word level, for those who want more practice tools
  • ★ Your progress for each phrase is tracked in the background, so you don’t repeat phrases too frequently.
  • ★ Phrases are randomised in semi-artificial conversations, so there is some “variety” to keep your mind awake.
  • ★ Focus on listening, and translation recall. The two most important skills for everyday socialising.

StudyChat Chinese is designed for you as the intermediate-level traveller who wants to become familiar with phrases from different situations. If you already know the basics of the language and you want another tool to practice with, then this is for you.

StudyChat Chinese has been intentionally designed as a fun supplementation to existing study methods. There are many excellent resources for learning grammar and vocabulary. But there are few tools, aside from watching TV with subtitles, that simulate conversations for practicing what you have already learnt.

StudyChat Chinese also includes a bucketload of background and character styles, to keep your mind as interested as “study” possibly can be.

Why StudyChat Chinese?

  • ★ Practice REAL conversational Chinese, for travel or making friends.
  • ★ REALISTIC, playful conversation scenarios between people.
  • ★ Learn EVERYDAY phrases to use to make FRIENDS and go on DATES in foreign countries.
  • ★ Over 900 Chinese sentences learnt overall. All with crystal-clear NATIVE SPEAKER voices. All with pinyin and native hanzi readings, both with simplified and traditional readings. An integrated approach to learn Chinese.
  • ★ Each time you play a conversation scenario, the lines are changed. There are over 1000 combinations for every Chinese conversation.
  • ★ Using a unique study algorithm, your word progress is monitored intelligently every game.
  • ★ Sync progress to cloud, so that your iPhone and iPad share the same progress as you study Chinese.
  • ★ This app has been designed to teach you Chinese THE ABSOLUTE FASTEST WAY possible. So 14 simple Chinese conversations cover over 900 words!

Do you want to learn REAL Chinese, but are frustrated by the “Chinese textbook” slow methods to learn Chinese, without audio, and the complete lack of real Chinese speaking exercises?

Do you wish to learn at your own pace, while having your learning progress REMEMBERED, so difficult words have more samples allocated to them, and easy words aren’t repeated?

Do you wish you had a simple Chinese study app, that also remembered your progress in the “cloud” so that you could quickly switch devices and immediately pick up where you left off?

Do you wish you could just DIVE RIGHT IN to learning SIMPLE, EVERYDAY flirting expressions, starting at the basics?

Do you wish to hear what REAL conversations when flirting between couples in Chinese sound like, AND not have the same sample repeated over and over and over.

StudyChat Chinese Gives You This

  • Simplified Chinese & Traditional Chinese - with pinyin readings and simplified hanzi / traditional hanzi.
  • Listening & speaking recall exercises together: – Listening exercises train your Chinese tonation & comprehension. This is THE most important skill to enjoying Chinese. We literally rewire your brain so that you enjoy and pickup specific keywords to understand how Chinese girls or Chinese guys feel about you as they’re talking. This is the easiest Chinese conversation you’ll ever encounter. Much easier than Chinese classes in a Chinese school. – Speaking recall exercises to train your memory recall and creativity. Speak in Chinese when it’s your anime character’s turn to speak.

Over 900 English sentences learnt overall. All with crystal-clear NATIVE SPEAKER voices. No choppy audio - your brain learns the full CORRECT sentence flow. Study English sentences to aid English lessons you may be taking in other English courses. Using a special spaced-repetition algorithm, individual word progress is monitored, even though all exercises are with WHOLE sentences. This means that as you progress, you’ll get new sentences with kanji words that are the most challenging to you, to further your English knowledge FASTER than any other method available. Each conversation repeats difficult words in different sentences throughout the conversation, until those words are practiced enough, and then new words are introduced in similar sentence structures. This means while each conversation sounds perfectly natural and recorded as whole sentences, you hear new words exactly as many times as you need, before moving onto newer words in their place. Conversations have been constructed so that beginners can learn English fluent-sounding popular sentences immediately. And yet the spaced-repetition learning algorithm ensures that intermediate and advanced students can take advantage of conversation practice in situations not taught in other study materials. Each conversation introduces new situations to deal with, and ways to handle it using only basic vocabulary. In 14 conversations, there are literally THOUSANDS of variations. Unlike other English flashcards, where you can predict the sentences by a few keywords, StudyChat English gives you so many variations YOUR BRAIN IS FORCED to listen and comprehend.

This app has been designed to teach you Chinese THE ABSOLUTE FASTEST WAY possible. So 14 simple conversations cover over 900 words!

Each conversation has hundreds of different variations, so you learn new words when you’re ready. Each conversation also has several levels of grammar detail. So as you successfully remember simple expressions, then more advanced expressions will start being introduced. Each conversation can thus be repeated hundreds of times with added detail and variation as you progress.

All of this in stunning Retina graphics, portrait & landscape mode on both iPhone and iPad.

If you would like the rewarding experience of practicing with StudyChat Chinese, give the app a try. Download Now